“Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural: Europa invierte en las zonas rurales”

The project

New technics to improve the efficiency in horticultural crops with drip-irrigation systems by using nitrification inhibitors in the Región de Murcia”.

Operational Group NUVES searchs to set an action protocol for increasing the efficiency in the vegetable nutrition process, so that the amount of nitrogen lost due to emissions into the atmosphere and by deep percolation might become lower, getting so a minimal environmental impact be caused.

This project is funded by action 16.1 of the Rural Development Program of the Region de Murcia, with an aid of 85.243,00€, which is participated by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Spanish Ministry for Agriculture and Fishery and Food and Environment (http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture)


Using together drip-irrigation system and nitrification inhibitor add advantages of both technologies and enhance sostenibility of agricultural production.

Drip-Irrigation System

This irrigation system allows the most sensible nutrition of crops. Necessary nutrients can be supplied just when vegetables need them and in the right amount.

  • Sensible dosage of fertilizers
  • High water saving
  • Better crop nutrition
  • Higher pollution control
  • Improve efficiency and economic profitability of fertilizers

Nitrification Inhibitors

This technology is able to slow down the conversion of ammoniun cation into nitrate anion so that keeping longer the ionic balance on the soil gets a better absorption of nutrients by the crops

  • Improve the efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizer
  • Avoid losses of nitrogen by deep-percolation
  • Minimize greenhouse gases emissions (NXO y NH3)
  • Enhance root balance and plant nutrition

Producer members of the GO-NUVES association



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